Society Objectives

Objectives of IVS Society have been defined under section III of the Memorandum and Articles of Association:

To found, aid, assist, set up, manage, maintain, own administer, and run schools, colleges, laboratories, centres of learning and other institutions for studies and research in the fields of Art and Architecture and inter-alia to provide support and help to students in need for acquiring knowledge of Art and Architecture either free of charge or otherwise.

To initiate and promote the understanding and appreciation of Arts and Architecture and the related disciplines through the organization of lectures and seminars for members and public at large as they help to enrich the quality of life and welfare of mankind.

To provide, assist, guide, translate and publish research and other papers, books, brochures, periodicals and pamphlets for the benefit of members and public at large.

To initiate and support programs for early recognition and development of artistic talents among school-going children.

To promote and support greater integration of Arts, Science and technical concepts in the design and development of Industrial and Consumer Products.To participate in Pakistan’s search of self-definition both in its preservation of the rich national heritage and its encounter with contemporary thought.

To encourage and support communication, contacts, and joint participation on projects of mutual interest among talented and capable individuals at national and international level, for the advancement of the cause and objectives of the Society.

To initiate and support efforts in documentation, restoration and folk heritage and education of the people of Pakistan.

To assist the cause of education and literacy by giving prizes, grants, scholarships, awards, loans, bursaries, stipends or otherwise, both within and outside Pakistan.

To pay the expenses or part expenses of maintenance, clothing, transportation etc. of the sick, disabled, poor deserving persons.

To provide relief to poor and deserving persons at the time of need and distress.

To make grants and donations.

To admit any persons (whether eligible or not for membership) to be honorary members of the Society on such terms and to confer on them such rights and privileges as may deem expedient.

To raise and establish funds by contributions and by receiving gifts, grants, donations, benefactions, and by any other means, from any person including members of the Society.

To raise and borrow any moneys and funds required for the purpose of the Society on such securities as the Society may deem fit.

To invest the moneys of the Society not immediately required in such securities, shares, and debentures or otherwise in such matter as may from time to time be determined and as may be permissible under the law.

For achieving any of its objectives, the Society may sell, exchange, allot, lease, rent out, transfer, gift away or otherwise dispose-off or sell all or any of its properties and assets.